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Recipe experiments with AI

So yesterday I posted this photo of an uttapam with two types of chutney which immediately prompted someone to ask me for the recipe.  Usually I'd be too lazy to type it out but hey I am an enthusiastic user. I jumped into it with two types of prompts. One typed and one one voice message and both gave out a nice recipe card. I am in love with it. Maybe I'll put up recipes of everything I cook if it was this simple to share the details. No hassle of typing it out and at the same time I can give exact instructions of how I made it.  Simple steps that make our lives easier and help me document an online repository of things I make. Maybe I'll turn this into a series or it may become a spin off from this blog.. Samayal chupke secret recipes...  Happy cooking and happy reading !!!  Prompt: this was typed Help me write a nice recipe for peanut tomato chutney based on the following instructions. Take one cup of roasted, unsalted peanuts, g...
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Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.

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