My summer vacation was unusually long this year. This is probably the longest period of leisure that I have had since I joined school when I was three years old! Six months of staying at home in India and in Japan. Six months of a relaxed schedule. Six months of laziness. Six months of experiments with cooking. I had always imagined days when I could watch TV all day long, eat whenever and whatever I wished to, sleep uninterrupted. My fantasy world was awesome when it finally turned into a reality in January this year. A couple of weeks of TV and unlimited internet and I was beginning to get bored. I tried hard to keep my creative side alive. I ensured that I did things that I would feel proud of when I look back at those special vacation months. Every day I vowed to learn, do or write something new. I casually ignored it most of the days. I also aggressively started to hunt for opportunities to get back to work. I got millions of calls, though only a couple of them got translated into...
From my heart !