A kid who joined my team recently asked me this question. "How do you manage work and home so well?", he candidly asked. I answered his question and went on to ask this question to myself. Truth is I don't. I have a great support system in both places that help me get this going. There are days when there are demands from both sides that I cannot handle. I must admit. I cry it out. On some days, I tough it up and stretch myself and power through it all. I will not lie about my vulnerabilities. Some days I am scared to face, some days I am full of confidence(even when I am not sure). That's the truth. All that is constant is treating each day as a new one and handling things one at a time. No point in thinking about the future and worrying about something that may or may not happen. So how do I manage work and home? One day at a time! :) Happy working guys!
From my heart !