The two women I am going to talk about are extremely special to me. They are the first ones who made me feel a strong maternal instinct. I am extremely protective of them and they are both growing up to be the most amazing women you'll ever know. My 2 nieces - Sachu and Adu are 18 and 17 respectively. They are growing up into these amazing women who will inspire a whole generation of young girls. I recently had a rant about not being heard in meetings because I am a woman. My older niece sends me a Taylor Swift song, "The Man" to show how relatable this experience is. My younger niece talks about how the boys are still getting preference to take up leadership positions in schools because "Girls will get a chance, what about the poor boys!". And when I hear her say that there is no use speaking up, it breaks my heart into a thousand pieces. They are an entire generation younger and still have to go through the same experiences. These two girls are talented and...
From my heart !