I hardly gave my mother the joy of seeing an empty lunch box. Infact it feels ironical that I am happiest when I see my son's dabba returning empty. I can't help but think of Amma everytime I pack kiddo's lunch box. As much as I enjoy deciding the menu (mostly dictated by the boy himself) and preparing it, I go back to my childhood days when I used to bring back my dabba exactly the way it was packed. I can now understand why Amma would get angry/upset seeing my unfinished box. Ah, all this makes me miss her all the more. I wish I could go back in time and let her have the pleasure of seeing the empty dabba. I did try my best to find as many opportunities as possible to cook for Amma once I started cooking and got better at it. I encourage every daughter/son to do this for their mother/father/grandparents while they are around. It is the most satisfying feeling ever! I take pleasure in preparing elaborate meals for my family during the weekend to compensate...
From my heart !