I wake up one morning feeling cold and lonely. I am shocked to see the beautiful sky and then I wonder how I was able to see the sky at all. I remember falling asleep after a nice day at work , a good dinner with family and now all I can see is debris. My home is in a shape that you might have seen when a pack of cards arranged as a tower falls down when you shake the table. I have lived in the second largest city of my country. Who would have ever thought this would happen to me. This can't be happening to me. I wanted to bake chocolate brownies for my family. I wanted to take the kids out to the amusement park this weekend. I had planned on spending more time with my wonderful family. I had planned to enjoy nature. I had my plans , but who would have known that nature had her own plans ? 6.3 on the Richter scale I heard someone saying that at the community hall where they are housing the rescued. Well , maybe thats all that is needed to turn our lives upside down. It is raining here , I have no home and I am desperate to be united with my family , which I am hoping is still alive. I pray for all those who didn't make it through. I pray for the families who are hoping that the death count doesn't increase and that their loved ones are not in that list. Am praying for myself and people like me. Unfortunately , that is all I can do.

Note : This post is a dedication to all the direct and indirect Victims of the earthquake at Christchurch, New Zealand. My grand aunt and uncle live at Palmerston North, New Zealand and I heard of the situation at Christchurch from them. I feel terribly sorry for those families who have been affected. I guess the entire country will have to fight strongly to recover. Some losses , however can never be recovered.
This is a photo that I saw on the internet which instantly got the words on this blog.

Photo credit : http://in.news.yahoo.com/photos/a-6-3-magnatude-quake-hits-new-zealand-slideshow/#crsl