Origami is an art of turning a square piece of paper into something absolutely magical - animals , flowers , buildings , decorative shapes , furniture , and anything else that imagination can lead you to. I had picked some of it at school during the arts and crafts class.Now that I live in the land where it originated ( Japan if you didn't manage to guess ) , I believe it is a wonderful opportunity to revive this as well.
This is a doggy face , a really simple one !
Imagine a short man wearing Kimono and a hood over his head. Now look at the picture.
I hope you can now justify why this piece is called "The Little Man".

I should have attached this one to a piece of wooden stick to prove to you that this is a wind mill.

This last one is a heart I made for my Valentine - my husband. This, a cake , a gift and a heart shaped cake earned me the title of a "Hopeless Romantic" ! Well , I am one. But, like Pink , I'll only say "So What ?" !
I have a stack of origami paper and loads of advertisement paper to learn more of this art.
This is all I have for you now. I am sure you'll see a sequel soon !