My husband inspires me to try out new dishes and my not working is compensated when I can serve my husband a hot dinner as soon as he gets back from work. He would come home with an extremely good appetite and that is surely a bonus for the cook! I totally love cooking for him and he loves to eat all the variety. And so, in the middle of all the job hunting process, I try my best to make good food and experiment on new recipes and make great use of all the free time at hand right now. Sweet Corn Pulav was the latest addition to my list of trials. I always end up adding lesser salt, but that is better than more, isn't it? The salty cucumber raitha compliments the pulav and in the end it is another dinner that we enjoyed together. I hope I am as motivated when I have kids! Until then, I mean until the next blog, Bon Appetit ! :)
Some days when you don't want to start on some new show and you don't want to watch something without knowing the ending, you'd go back to shows or movies that you have loved as a child. Yesterday was one such day. I went on to watch Jim Carrey's "The Truman Show". When I watched it as a younger person, I liked it for Jim's acting and the entire storyline seemed outrageous and yet heartbreaking. How can one person's life be in front of camera all the time and how can one be living a lie ! Present age, in 2024, when I watched this, I saw it in a different light. With social media being rampant, with everyone having access to cameras on their phone to instantly capture a video, no one can escape being a "Truman". Any instance of your life can be captured by someone and you could end up being ridiculed or hailed a superstar overnight. The superstardom can fall overnight too, but the ridicule remains long after it subsides too. We also live a li...