Last week, this song "The Man" by Taylor Swift, played as I walked into office. It felt like a great way to start my work as I marched into my floor and inside my cabin. Pumped, I start my daily routine at work and as I get through the day, I realize I enjoy my work and that I am good at it. Would I be at a different level if I were a man? Maybe. But I would rather go through my journey my way because we cannot keep regretting what we cannot change. However, I do lend that hand to a younger woman and guide her so she learns from my mistakes too and can work smarter. I make sure I am the person representing my girl-tribe in moments where their skills are sought for. This also reminds me of Cher's interview where she says that instead of marrying a rich man, she was the Rich Man ! I'm so sick of running as fast as I can Wondering if I'd get there quicker If I was a man And I'm so sick of them coming at me again 'Cause if I was a man Then I'd be the m...
From my heart !