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Showing posts from October, 2014

My young teacher!

Patience is something that I seem to lack, more so with my parents and in laws. But then came a little one in my life and everything is different now. I have somehow acquired the skill to control my temper and be calmer in otherwise aggravating situations.H, as he is fondly referred to by my dear brother, is all of 4 months old now. But he is proving to be my biggest teacher yet. I have spent years running away from vegetables other than potatoes and carrots and now I am eating eggplant and bitter gourd. Why? Simple. I do not want to be a hypocrite..not a big one. If I do not eat different veggies, how can I make H do all that? My patience and sense of calm is also because I want him to learn already that one must respect their elders and not be rude to them. How else can a parent set an example if they are not following it themselves? My husband is an epitome of patience and gentleness. I sure hope he acquires those from him and not me. I know he will still develop his own character ...