Patience is something that I seem to lack, more so with my parents and in laws. But then came a little one in my life and everything is different now. I have somehow acquired the skill to control my temper and be calmer in otherwise aggravating situations.H, as he is fondly referred to by my dear brother, is all of 4 months old now. But he is proving to be my biggest teacher yet. I have spent years running away from vegetables other than potatoes and carrots and now I am eating eggplant and bitter gourd. Why? Simple. I do not want to be a hypocrite..not a big one. If I do not eat different veggies, how can I make H do all that? My patience and sense of calm is also because I want him to learn already that one must respect their elders and not be rude to them. How else can a parent set an example if they are not following it themselves? My husband is an epitome of patience and gentleness. I sure hope he acquires those from him and not me. I know he will still develop his own character and personality eventually, but I do not want to set a bad example. Am I trying too hard? No. I am happier now than I have ever been. I am clear with what I want in life and what I need to do. It is not easy, but it isn't impossible. I love everyone around me, and now I just show I am not indifferent towards them. Life changes after being a mother, not just because of the odd waking hours or changing diapers, it is because you get to much solitude that you can think about who you are and who you want to be. Contrary to what many people say, having a baby has given me a lot of "me time".I am alone with my baby while feeding and each of those 20 minute stints gives me time to reflect on my past and look forward to my future.
There is so much to teach this baby in the next few years, and a lot more for me to learn.
There is so much to teach this baby in the next few years, and a lot more for me to learn.