I have watched The Ellen show for many years now. I have watched her sitcoms and her awkwardness towards men, and until she came out in one of her episodes, i did not understand why. She is now one of the most successful and highly influential people in the world. While she makes everyone around her laugh, I cannot imagine how much she had to go through most of her adult life to be where she is now. Living a false life for other people, hiding one's true identity and crying from within. I always imagined how it would be for her family to accept who she is after she did tell them how she felt all her life. Well, now I have the opportunity to experience it first hand.
I have come across many of my family/extended family members coming out, openly or to a few close aides. I have never had conversations with any of them directly. I either know via someone, or have guessed or they have posted on social media.
I just wanted to convey to everyone who knows me that I wholeheartedly stand by you. I will help our family understand and i will love you just the same, maybe more because you have shown tremendous strength.
I cannot let you go through this alone. I might never have been close to you. I might not have spoken to you often enough. But now I understand you were what you were because you had your own conflicts and i just did not understand you until now. I am just a call away. I am here if you want a hug. You are amazing just the way you are. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Here in India it is still a struggle, but we will eventually wake up. Hang in there. There are many like me who do not know you need support. There are many who want to support, but do not know who needs it. And i sincerely hope the awareness and support increases fast enough and you don't need to hide anymore.
Gay or not, I love you for who you are. Stay strong and be beautiful.
And like Ellen says, "Be kind to one another".