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The First Kiss (Short Story)

She rested her head on his chest, playfully trying to hear his heartbeat. It was right then that he lifted her head silently with his hand, bringing her ear closer to his mouth. "I Love You", he whispered. She heard her heart stopping. She heard the end of reality. She thought nothing was true, except that very moment.

She kept replaying that moment wondering what went wrong. Why they went their separate ways. Why such a magical moment did not last a lifetime.Every few days, she would shed a silent tear thinking about that, while working in a continent different from where he was. She had a successful career. She had a wonderful family. She was still unmarried, though not alone.

"Adira", her boss called.
She came back to reality and walked to the meeting with him. Life goes on. Not everyone has the perfect romance. But happiness was her choice. She hated romantic movies. She hated the lies they propagate and that a man needs to complete her.Not a pseudo-feminist, just a practical person she had become. She loved her current boyfriend all the more, because he was nothing like the norm. He was different and did not do anything cheesy. She had evolved to like that in a man instead.

Work was what kept her going. Her dedication at work had won her many accolades and she was flying every week to a different country to showcase their new App and how it's integration with existing apps of corporations could be extremely profitable for them. Adira had found love again. She found her love in presenting. She found her love in selling. She found her love in learning new languages and technologies. She found love in something that was not a man or a woman. She found her true love. But she never had that First Kiss again.


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