Everything I see on social media these days has a touch of hatred. There is either strong love or extreme hatred. No criticism is positive and forward looking. Do people seem smart when they abuse others? Is it right to hate something so strongly that you end up doing exactly what you do not want the other person to do? Every day more and more people are restraining from posting anything on social media for fear of hateful comments. You are either being bullied by Grammer Nazi or someone who takes offense for even using the term Nazi. Do you even know how cruel and brutal Nazis were? How do you even compare the two? You make a sexist joke, feminists arrive with tear bombs. If you ask them to chill, they call every male MCP. That isn't sexist, huh?
We have serious issues in the world that need our attention. Not worthless banter on social media.
Debates are good, only if you are willing to hear the other person out, without undermining their ability. Belittling someone to show you are smarter, never works. Get out of arguments respectfully. Do not hurt others with words. You never know how much your words will hurt the other person. Everyone is not a saint. And if your intention, in the first place was to hurt someone, my only question is, "WHY?".
We don't like others to hate us. We don't like it when someone makes fun of us. We do not like it when someone belittles your interests. Then why do we think it is okay to do so to others?
Why are we becoming intolerant to the feelings of others? Is Ego winning and everything else losing?
Is it not our responsibility to educate the ignorant than to call them an idiot?
I do not understand what is happening in this world that makes hatred the coolest new thing?
Can we win anything by hating? Ever?