They were a group of friends since childhood. She was always the first one to pull his leg every time that another girl was even mentioned. He got down from the bus. She and other friends screamed, "Emma". He turned. They all giggled that he responded to that name. He, on the other hand, seemed oblivious to that call. He waved a mobile phone back at the bus. She realized he had her phone and that he had turned to let her know he had the phone. She jumped out of the bus, almost instantaneously. Not thinking of any implications. Her heart was beating fast. She still appeared calm, took her phone and started walking with him to her home. Casually remarking how boring the day is, all the while hoping he would not be able to hear her thumping heart.
Last week, this song "The Man" by Taylor Swift, played as I walked into office. It felt like a great way to start my work as I marched into my floor and inside my cabin. Pumped, I start my daily routine at work and as I get through the day, I realize I enjoy my work and that I am good at it. Would I be at a different level if I were a man? Maybe. But I would rather go through my journey my way because we cannot keep regretting what we cannot change. However, I do lend that hand to a younger woman and guide her so she learns from my mistakes too and can work smarter. I make sure I am the person representing my girl-tribe in moments where their skills are sought for. This also reminds me of Cher's interview where she says that instead of marrying a rich man, she was the Rich Man ! I'm so sick of running as fast as I can Wondering if I'd get there quicker If I was a man And I'm so sick of them coming at me again 'Cause if I was a man Then I'd be the m...