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Being Grateful.

Yesterday I read a post by someone I know mentioning how her success was only because of her hard work; no support from her family. All this while she was still living with her parents at a big house, having food and an unlimited supply of raw materials to pursue her passion.
All those things were financially provided by her parents. Yes, they opposed, only because it was not what she had majored in. She wished and studied a course for 5 years in another city. Her parents provided her with the education that she desired. Then after 5 years, and one year of not pursuing a job, she all of a sudden wanted to choose a different profession in which she was still an amateur. How she expected everyone to just say "Saabash" and pat her on her back and immediately jump into support. Sigh! That is not how everything works. While parents think that  a steady job matters, kids think it is more important to follow their passion. Thankfully she was great at what she was passionate about and was able to prove to her parents that she could do well in life in the career she chose.
Now here comes my rant. Every time she wanted to travel to another city for a class, her parents paid for the flight tickets. They gave her fancy equipment which was needed for her to pursue her passion.
They asked her to work in the field of her education, she did with half heart. She could have taken it up with a positive thought that she could save money and go pursue another degree towards her new passion now. No. She expected her parents to sponsor her education. I am not against studying further. I am against complaining that your parents did nothing to help you be where you are right now. She said she wanted a simple wedding, ended up getting the most expensive clothes and jewellery and more. Hypocrisy at its best. Being a self-proclaimed feminist, she is anything but that. I have not seen her fulfilling her wishes on her own.

I wish kids of this generation start being grateful for what they have. Humility will take a person farther than what talent and passion will. There is no point in being successful and burning all bridges, right?

I am grateful for what I have in my life and am extremely grateful to both sets of parents for helping us be what we are today and how we have managed to buy our house today. None of it is possible without their support. I am grateful that I had seen my father struggle with monthly expenses and still manage to buy a house. They never took vacations so that we could save up for future. I am grateful for their sacrifice. I will not take their contribution for granted at any point in life. I am forever grateful for the life I have today. I am going to start this year by thinking of the good and thank that person for helping me realize how grateful I must be for who I have become today and thankful to everyone around me for helping shape who I have become now.

Happy New Year! 


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