With the lockdown situation continuing,as a family, we have found us a routine. Every evening the 4 of us- in laws, Mr. and I play carrom. We are all extremely competitive and forget all relationships while playing against each other. While I try to hit a follow coin after red, they start making comments that make me laugh. They would say simple things like, she will surely not hit it or say it is easy shot and invariably I would miss my chance. We then end up laughing until our stomachs hurt before playing again. Carrom is a game that is bringing 4 people from 35 to 75 together. 1 hour of pure entertainment, away from our devices, away from any complaints we have against each other, away from the pandemic that we are currently facing. My mother in law has a nerve damage that impairs her vision to some extent and she is the best player out of the 4 of us. It brings out her most beautiful smile and laughter out that is so wonderful to witness. Almost a childlike enthusiasm. She tries to mimic my shouts of joy when her team wins. All of this a reminder that we all enjoy the company of others and take joy in small things in life. I hope everyone takes a pause and remembers moments like this when we grow older in life. What we are going through as a society now and what we will go through economically, will not be easy. We need to hold on to moments before they pass. They will give you tremendous strength to go through the future.
Some days when you don't want to start on some new show and you don't want to watch something without knowing the ending, you'd go back to shows or movies that you have loved as a child. Yesterday was one such day. I went on to watch Jim Carrey's "The Truman Show". When I watched it as a younger person, I liked it for Jim's acting and the entire storyline seemed outrageous and yet heartbreaking. How can one person's life be in front of camera all the time and how can one be living a lie ! Present age, in 2024, when I watched this, I saw it in a different light. With social media being rampant, with everyone having access to cameras on their phone to instantly capture a video, no one can escape being a "Truman". Any instance of your life can be captured by someone and you could end up being ridiculed or hailed a superstar overnight. The superstardom can fall overnight too, but the ridicule remains long after it subsides too. We also live a li...