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Cooking during a pandemic

It has suddenly become a huge trend of posting home cooked food everywhere. Earlier it was limited to special occasions and when we would go out to dine. On one hand, there are people who are struggling to make ends meet during the pandemic right now. And we are at the other end making delicious food and sharing photos as if nothing that's happening around us affects us in any way. Well, I thought a lot about this conflict and why it has become so important to everyone.  I think it is a way of sharing hope, keeping everyone's spirits up by engaging in activities as a group, but at your own home. It is our coping mechanism. Some folks are irritated by those who share their workout stats or videos, while others may be inspired to workout and start their journey towards fitness. We must not be judging anyone , especially right now. We need to learn to let others be. There may be someone who cannot survive this quarantine without their daily dose of exercise, or food, or positive thoughts. Let them be. Let them work with what suits them best. We can ignore if it affects us. Remember to call people often. Remember to check in on friends who may be lonely. Remember that someone may need that message from you while they face a tough day. I am amazed at everyone who puts on a brave face and goes on with life. This is scary. Let's accept it. I had a tough time falling asleep a week before the lockdown had started.  I am with my family and I am lucky I have a great support system to get through this. I feel better now, though I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about the deaths. Breathe in and breathe out. While that calms me down, the thought of those who are unable to do so because of Covid-19 scares the shit out of me.  I would be lying if I said i am not worried about my family's safety. Some days I wake up early because of the thought of an impending recession around the world, food shortages. 

So what keeps me and my mind occupied? Cooking and writing. These two activities have such a calming effect on me and am sure on my family too. That makes us believe everything is normal. So, why not? As I am writing this, a choco chip cookie is resting in the fridge and will be baked in the morning by kiddo and me. That will be an exciting way to start my birthday week! That's it for now. See you soon!


S B said…
So glad to have the right combination... One is happy to cook, the other is more than happy to eat!
Saritha M said…
Well written 👌
Sahana said…
Very well written Shweta...The current scenario and emotions have been articulated beautifully... Keep posting.. Looking forward for more blogs..
sunti said…
Love your way of expressing your thoughts. . Keep writing. Amma.

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