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How "Get Organized" ruined my weekend, but made some parts of my home beautiful

Last week I happened to binge-watch "Get Organized" on Netflix last weekend and realized how much I love what they do on that show. The Home Edit team is heartwarming. They are hilarious, lovable, and motivate you to get on the "edit" mode. Well, for the uninitiated, "edit" means clearing out what's not needed anymore. There has always been one place that is in my control that has been quite out of control. My freezer. :) So yesterday, post the refrigerator cleaning that I enthusiastically took up first. After a lot of hesitation, I opened the top shelf that led me to chaos. Packets blocking the view, a lot of powders strewn all over the place. We don't store ice creams, so we just use it to store frozen peas and all my masalas. So what happened when I had to review all the packets? Let's just say over 70% of the items were way past the expiry date. It became clear why. All packets were hidden out of plain sight and I would end up buying the same things again and again thinking I did not have enough. That resulted in multiple packets of chole masala and Paav Bhaji Masala from 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019! 
Well, if it wasn't for this pandemic, there would have been one with 2020 as well. 
My son's crayons were the next target. We both sat together to do that one and we were extremely happy colouring and testing the crayons before sorting it out. We don't have too many clear boxes like the show uses, so we did some DIYing and used some foil to make sections to partition the box. So much better than a big mess of dirty looking crayons. 
Then I targeted all his toys and his clothes shelf. I do love the containment idea that the show teaches us. I used a large tray to put up his innerwear and his daily wear/favourite Tees. My shelf was cleaned up pre-binge and it looked great so did not retouch it. There I realized I did my own version of the edit. I took all my clothes that I do not need anymore due to the pandemic forced work from home mode and packed them all in a suitcase. Now my shelf has only what I need on a daily basis and looks clean and organized. I took over all my jewellery and cleared those as well. I am already planning to target my husband's shelf next weekend. Now my back is sore, my shoulder is strained and I am happy. Cleaning is a great way to stay off my phone and laptop. A weekend that otherwise goes in binge-watching shows or lazing around, I am glad I used it well.  I believe a clean environment helps your mind stay clear as well. 

So yea, watch the show if you are ready to get your weekend focussed fully on cleaning and sorting shelves out. Watch it even otherwise. It will make you smile. 

Until we meet again, Happy Reading! 



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