October 12th is when my dearest brother was born. I have always looked up to him though we are opposites. I am summarizing some of my learnings from this human being that I admire and adore.
He is a year and a half older than I am, yet I feel like I have always been the older sibling! :P
10 things I have learned from my brother.
1. Canine, Incisors, Pre-molar, Molar
Not sure how old we were when he taught me this, I can guarantee, I will list these if you wake me up in the middle of the night and ask me "What are the types of human teeth?".
2. Hard work pays
While I am sure I will never work as hard as he does, he taught me that working hard always pays!
3. Never talk ill about anyone
I have never heard my brother blame anyone for anything or engage in gossip.
4. It is okay to be vulnerable
He has never shied from showing his low moments with his family or friends.
5. Take notes
He keeps writing notes. He reads a page from a book and probably takes a page worth of notes. :)
6. You do not have to please everyone
He has always been himself in any situation. He does not worry about what others will talk about or think about him.
7. Stay grounded
He has always topped at school, studied at BITs Pilani, and then studied at IIM-B. He has never used these as bragging rights. He is the smartest person that I personally know.
8. If you are doing it, do it right
Even if it is the smallest task, if he takes it up, he makes sure he executes it correctly.
9. Be open to learning
He is always ready to learn anything and from anyone.
10. Love your family
He always shows his affection. If he fights with amma, he would eventually go hug her and tell her how much he loves her.
Some other things he "taught" me.
1. The mosquito fog can kill humans
He made me run like a mad girl from one end of my street to my home stating that inhaling the fume would be fatal!
2. A neighbor from our Palakkad home walks every day to Chennai to sell murukkus
I do not remember the exact story or the plot. But I remember realizing and feeling stupid for believing his stories!
3. That Sexy is a bad word.
Around the time that Karishma was happily singing "Sexy sexy sexy mujhe log bole", my brother told me it is a bad word and I should not sing that song. :)
And there are many more instances of how he has misguided me as well.
Growing up, I never received any special treatment for being a girl. I was with my brother all the time, doing anything and everything he did. I do not expect anyone to "protect" me, because my brother never let me feel that I am in any way weaker.
My admiration of my brother summed up in a small post dedicated to my Anna on his birthday! :)
Happy Reading!