I am ridden with this constant question in my head - what happened after we walked out of the shop? I cannot imagine even a single second of what happened after that and how I put my son in danger - the accident , followed by trauma that he had to go through, that might be with him through his life. Am I a terrible mother? A question I ask often these days because of this, and my logical brain says, "Ofcourse you are not bad!", but am sure this is a question that will haunt me. Did I do enough to protect him? Was I careful while riding? Was it my fault? What could I have done to make sure he was okay? I will never get able to get over this. Guilt tripping is the worst trip to go on! I hope eventually logical brain will take over and my love for the kiddo can justify that I cannot go back in time and change anything anyway! Happy Reading!
From my heart !