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A whole new life and maybe a Rocky Balboa 2022 movie starring me!!!

 Last Saturday, while I was happily out shopping with my 8 year old son, I met with an accident. Well, atleast that's how I remember it. I am told it happened on our way back home on the 2 wheeler and we fell off on the side of the road. I had no memory of what had happened, except that I woke up in a hospital after 3-4 days with stiches on my face, plaster on my arm and bruises on my legs. Son ended up gaining my ultimate love by being safe and  demonstrating extreme maturity in responding to my phone ringing and reaching out for help and getting family around at the hospital. God bless the child. 

I felt terribly disappointed the first 2 days that this was breaking my success streak and all the great work I had been doing so far. Thankfully I have folks around me who do a reality check and quickly shut my negative mind down. I would blame all that on the heavy blood loss due to accident, plus the blood loss due to an ill-timed period that landed on time, in the midst of my accident too without skipping a beat. 

It has been more than a week now and I have slowly started to accept the "break" in my life. The seniors in my family came in fully in support, were moved to tears looking at my situation, but held on to their respective ailments to nurse me back to good health. Very thankful for this.

My left hand is slow and more weak as compared to my right hand. Typing is a chore. Picking up a mug of tea with my left hand is a painful experience. I have 30 minutes of Physiotherapy every day to get myself back to action. All this reminds me of how everything I took for granted can be gone any time. I love cutting veggies and now it is not as easy anymore. I type very fast and now, my left hand takes a couple of extra seconds and multiple mistakes to complete typing a full sentence! My nerves seem weak, but I dont want to give up on it yet! I will get better and show the world that I am back and with more enthusiasm and a whole new life - a life that i am even more thankful for having a second chance! 


Unknown said…
Your are a true champion and an great inspiration for us Shweta hope for a speedy recovery for you πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Unknown said…
You are already back Shweta. An inspiration for all of us !! Get well soon !!
Anand said…
Wish you a speedy recovery and waiting to see you with Deloitte tag soon. God bless
Anonymous said…
You are the Champ Shweta!!
I liked the sentence “ We all take things for granted”.
Anonymous said…
You never fail to amaze me! It takes a strong mind to bounce back this fast. Keep going and continue to inspire us ❤️
You're such a lively soul'll be back to normal in no time...stay strong! πŸ™ŒπŸΌ
Venkat said…
Rare are those who convert adversities into moments of reflection. Your post is encouraging as well as eye-opening. Thanks for caring to share your thoughts!
Poornima said…
You are truly strong, I have known you to be strong; do not let the sickness weigh you down. Get well soon Swetha..:)

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