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Showing posts from March, 2016

Rainbows and Life Part 2

If you haven't, read Rainbows and Life Part 1 - While my support for LGBT is ever increasing, i thought it might make sense to have a list of videos that anyone who is hearing it for the first time, or wants to understand what it means in terms of treating everyone as equal. John Oliver is turning out to be one of my favourite hosts. As much as he looks like a comedian, each of the topics he takes up on Last Week Tonight, the amount of research and the effortless driving of the point makes him better than the usual journalist. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: LGBT Discrimination (HBO) This next video will probably give you more of an insight into how the state of affairs are in India currently. Devil's Advocate: Judgement by SC on Section 377 is terrible, says Vikram Seth I will keep adding more enli...

Rainbows and Life

I have watched The Ellen show for many years now.  I have watched her sitcoms and her awkwardness towards men, and until she came out in one of her episodes, i did not understand why. She is now one of the most successful and highly influential people in the world. While she makes everyone around her laugh, I cannot imagine how much she had to go through most of her adult life to be where she is now. Living a false life for other people, hiding one's true identity and crying from within. I always imagined how it would be for her family to accept who she is after she did tell them how she felt all her life. Well, now I have the opportunity to experience it first hand.  I have come across many of my family/extended family members coming out, openly or to a few close aides. I have never had conversations with any of them directly. I either know via someone, or have guessed or they have posted on social media.  I just wanted to convey to everyone who knows me that I who...

Heart to Heart

I have not been writing regularly. I intend to, but i do not. Just like i intend to work out. Just like I intend to eat only healthy food. But there are days when i overcome my laziness and start writing at 11pm in the night. And then I stop abruptly to sleep and wake up the next morning and continue writing from a cab on my way to work. Phew! That's my life. I wish I was more productive with the time i get and make more time for myself doing things i love and learning something that I have always wanted to learn. And now let's cut back to reality. I will probably continue to binge watch SNL sketches or some comedy on YouTube and realize that time flies and i still have a big, unfulfilled to-do list. So yesterday when i noticed the cover page of my blog, i realized it was an origami heart that i made 5 years back in Japan. It was just a paper heart then. Now it has a deeper meaning. 2 years back, when my son was born, we named him Hruday. Hruday means heart in sanskrit. My h...