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June - Doctor/Hospital month??? Is this the start of a trend?

 June 12th 2014, I went for a regular scan to my Gynec - 37 weeks into my pregnancy and was asked to go for an immediate scan, that followed a suggestion to get admitted right away, and then surgery was scheduled the next day. 28 years on earth and I had never been admitted at a hospital for anything, not even typhoid or chicken pox! And here I was hospitalized for 11 days, 1 pre-surgery, 10 post until my son recovered from jaundice ! And that's the end, I thought ! 

June 4th, 2022, I was out shopping with my son. My previous blog posts detail the ordeal and how i was again hospitalized for a week for concussion and surgery to my face for bruises. A plastic surgery that didn't change my "beauty". 

Cut to June 16th 2023, a couple of days ago, woke up with a sharp, shooting pain, like contractions non-stop and ended up getting admitted, drips and pain killers not being effective, to rushing to a scan that helped find the root cause - Hemorrhage of cyst in ovary. Sounds heavy and the pain was unbearable - justified by the name.  Meds, injections, drips later, back home, but now got to continue meds for the next 3 months, another scan and then the next steps. Sigh! Why June, Why? No more drama, please. :D 

Also, with each year, the one constant support has been Mr. Husband. Stayed with me for 10 days in 2014, returned after just reaching Kabini post vacation to take care of me in 2022 and stayed back and stuck with me as i screamed and shriveled in pain without a warning! My family and my kiddo end up going through more agony but they are happy when I am back in form.  I am thankful that even with these "minor inconveniences" in my life, I am lucky to have the right medical support and strength from family and friends. This too shall pass. June will go and July will come!


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